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Raising Awareness About FGM in IDPs Garowe

Female genital mutilation (FGM) is a harmful practice that is still prevalent in many parts of the world, including Somalia. In IDPs Garowe, FGM is a serious problem that is putting the health and well-being of girls and women at risk.

According to a recent survey, over 90% of girls in IDPs Garowe have undergone FGM. This means that millions of girls in IDPs Garowe are at risk of experiencing the serious health consequences of FGM, such as pain, infection, and complications during childbirth.

FGM is a violation of the human rights of girls and women. It is a form of gender-based violence that is rooted in harmful cultural practices. FGM has no health benefits and can only cause harm.

We need to raise awareness about FGM in IDPs Garowe. We need to educate people about the harmful effects of FGM and the reasons why it should be stopped. We also need to provide support to girls and women who have undergone FGM.

I am proud to work with HAMOT NGO Somalia, which is working to raise awareness about FGM in IDPs Garowe. We are conducting focus group discussions (FGDs) with women and girls to educate them about the harmful effects of FGM. We are also working to provide support to girls and women who have undergone FGM.

If you would like to help, you can donate to HAMOT NGO Somalia. Your donation will help us to raise awareness about FGM in IDPs Garowe and provide support to girls and women who have undergone FGM.

  • Donate to happier mothers NGO Somalia today!
  • Dahabshiil Bank Account:
  • happier mothers NGO Somalia
  • Account Number: 123456789
  • Thank you for your support!
  • Halima Abdulahi, Field Coordinator, happier mothers NGO Somalia

FGD Findings

In the FGDs that we conducted, we heard from women and girls about the harmful effects of FGM. They told us about the pain and infection that they experienced. They also told us about the fear and anxiety that they felt.

One woman told us, “I was only 7 years old when I was cut. I remember the pain was so bad that I thought I was going to die. I also remember the fear that I felt. I was scared of what was going to happen to me.”

Another woman told us, “I have two daughters. I would never let them be cut. I know the pain and suffering that it causes. I want my daughters to have a better life.”

We also heard from girls about the pressure they feel to undergo FGM. They told us that they are afraid of being rejected by their families and communities if they do not undergo FGM.

One girl told us, “My mother told me that I would not be a good woman if I was not cut. She said that I would not be able to get married or have children if I was not cut.”

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