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Malnutrition in IDPs Garowe: A Call for Action

I am Abdimalik, the Director of HAMOT NGO Somalia. As part of my routine work, I recently visited the IDPs Garowe to check the measurements of children. I was deeply saddened to see the high levels of malnutrition among these children.

According to a recent survey, over 20% of children under the age of five in IDPs Garowe are malnourished. This is a serious problem that is putting the health and well-being of these children at risk.

There are many reasons why malnutrition is so prevalent in IDPs Garowe. These include:

  • Conflict: The ongoing conflict in Somalia has displaced millions of people, including many children. These children often have to flee their homes with little or no food, which can lead to malnutrition.
  • Poverty: Many families in IDPs Garowe live in poverty. This means that they cannot afford to buy enough food to feed their children properly.
  • Lack of access to healthcare: Many IDPs Garowe do not have access to healthcare. This means that they are not able to get the treatment they need for malnutrition.

The high levels of malnutrition in IDPs Garowe are a serious problem. These children are at risk of developing long-term health problems, such as stunting and wasting. They are also more likely to die from preventable diseases.

We need to take action to address the problem of malnutrition in IDPs Garowe. We need to provide these children with access to food, healthcare, and education. We also need to support the families of these children so that they can provide for their children’s basic needs.

If you would like to help, you can donate to HAMOT NGO Somalia. We are working to provide food, healthcare, and education to children in IDPs Garowe. Your donation will help us to save lives and give these children a chance to reach their full potential.

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